Give me porn! What kind of tube site are you looking for anyway? The kind of tube site that tries to give you a little bit of everything? Vanilla if you want?
There’s nothing wrong with that, motherfucker! And if you want to see fast and straight straight porn, you should check out Gimme Porn. This is where you will find a variety of porn that is sure to make you get in, masturbate, fuck yourself, and enjoy your day. Because this is, in any case, the most important aspect of Gimme Porn. You don’t want to have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with finding a movie that turns you on.
That’s not to say Gimme Porn is perfect (more on that in a moment). But if what you’re looking for is to get back on track and move on with your life, Gimme Porn may satisfy you. Get along with regular and you’ll feel like a happy cummer.
More than 2,700 videos
If you want to go somewhere that has so much porn that you won’t be able to masturbate in just one fucking week, this is exactly the place you need to be! What makes me so sure of this? Because there are over 2700 videos you can masturbate to! You will certainly have more porn waiting for you than you think!
Seeing that over 2,700 videos were waiting for me to connect at any given time was very convenient. Too many tube sites have less than a thousand videos on their site, leaving you with only a handful of videos that you want to masturbate to, and as a result, you’ll probably never visit that site again. But since Gimme Porn offers almost 3,000 videos (with new videos added from time to time), you’ll have plenty of videos to access whenever you want to come and go.
That’s what Gimme Porn is all about! If you want a tube site to only offer you shitty porn and nothing else, this is where the fuck you want to be. You’ll love everything you find on this exclusive tube site, especially if you’re the kind of fucker who doesn’t want your porn to be too wild. In other words, if you don’t want to encounter shitty porn, Gimme Porn is exactly where you want it!
Helpful summaries
One thing is that on Gimme Porn there are so many porn videos waiting for you to masturbate. But it’s completely different to look at all the kinds of damn deals you can go for. What you will discover when you explore the various offerings available on Gimme Porn is that Gimme Porn makes it very convenient to find the videos you want.
As you browse the library of videos waiting for you at Gimme Porn, you’ll discover that each listing includes information such as the title, the brand of the video, the date it was added, the number of views, and the thumbnail. With all this information, finding the movies you want to watch is incredibly easy. Although the amount of information could be greater.
What makes me so sure of this? Because whenever you look at each list of videos, you will notice that it has no duration. If you’re like me (and I’m assuming you are at some level since you’ve been reading my sage advice here at ThePornDude), you probably want the luxury of finding videos of a certain length.
In other words, you want to make sure you’re not watching a video that’s less than a minute long. It takes longer to cure, so you need a minute. There’s no need to be ashamed of it!
But that is not possible. Luckily, Gimme Porn features premium full-length porn, so you won’t be saddled with trailers like other tube sites. But either way, you’ll still want to know how long the content on Gimme Porn actually lasts, whether it’s 30 minutes or over an hour.
Too many pop-ups
Gimme Porn has no problem with having enough full-length porn. If you want to see full versions of some of your favorite AAA porn brands in one place, Gimme Porn makes it possible. However, the problem occurs when viewing the content. Like many other tube sites, once you start watching Gimme Porn content, you will notice that too many pop-ups appear when you try to watch something.
I had to click the “play” button about three times before anything played. Two pop-ups and a new tab opened during my review, although your mileage may vary. Pop-ups also try to mislead you. For example, the last popup that appeared was a small box at the bottom corner of the screen.
It was fucking irritating to say the least. I have no idea why this happened and having everything shut down was a real pain. This irritated me so much that I still sound like an old man trying to censor his bad words to his friends at church.
I will say that even though Gimme Porn uses a file hosting service to host all of its content, it just works. You’ll never have to pay for extra bandwidth to stream anything. Not only that, but the content looks pretty damn amazing. You won’t get the low resolution abortions you can find on other tube sites. On Gimme Porn you will find rather high quality HD videos that look just like the content of the original site. If you put them side by side (from the source site and Gimme Porn), I doubt most people would be able to tell the fucking difference.
So check out what kind of content you can find on Gimme Porn to get an idea of what’s available on this damn site. I think you’ll be impressed with all the content you find, so check it out for yourself, motherfucker! Come find all the amazing content you can enjoy on Gimme Porn!
Decent categories
If you are hesitant to visit Gimme Porn because of the pop-ups, deal with this shit! It’s sad, but it shouldn’t stop you from having fun. One way Gimme Porn makes it even easier to find the type of videos you want to watch is through its category section.
Whenever you click on a category in Gimme Porn, you will find categories like just blowjob (for those who just want sloppy head and nothing else), group sex, kitchen, Latina, busty, facial, threesome, teen and more. This makes it really easy to find the movies you really want to watch.
When you consider that several brands such as GirlCum, Jules Jordan, Family Hookups, Sex Art, Nubiles and others are also represented, it shows that there are more than enough reasons to visit Gimme Porn purely for convenience. See everything you can find by checking out the categories and channels available on Gimme Porn and see everything you’ve been missing all this time, motherfucker!
Gimme Porn makes it very easy to watch all the full-length porn videos available, so you can masturbate with ease. Here you will find over 2,700 videos, and several new videos will be published periodically. One thing that needs to be improved drastically is the bombardment of pop-ups when trying to browse content. This sucks and needs to be drastically cut down to make it easier to watch the videos that horny viewers like you want to watch!