is a site entirely dedicated to all types of porn, no nonsense, just regular porn. When I say “immediately,” I mean it. Almost all of the porn here is straight, some is suitable for LGBTQ viewers, but it’s mostly guys and girls and that’s it. It’s a Russian website! They still frequently masturbate with lesbians, which is a bit hypocritical, but that’s a topic for another time. Either way, we better focus on more important things, which is the popular content on this site, which is pure porn. Did I mention that although this site is Russian, it is also available in English?
Well, now I have done it. This is a very interesting thing because not only do English sites offer decent content, it is often the foreign sites that are packed with great content, but what’s the point if you can’t understand what they say? Exactly! That is why the owners of have made sure that this website is available in English, as well as Russian. It’s great, but you can always use Google Translate and it works fine in most cases, which is great.
The first impression of this site is quite pleasant. It seems like an average tube site, filled with tons of porn material and of course tons of attractive thumbnails as soon as you open it, should overwhelm you. I mean, you don’t even know where to start. There are tits and asses everywhere, and you can meet all kinds of girls here. Some of them are white, some are black, and some are also Asian. So no matter what breed you fetishize, you’re sure to have a great time at If you want to see older girls getting their insides ripped out by a horny guy, this is still a great place and also if you want to see a skinny 18+ teen getting her pussy fucked as hard as possible, this It’s still a great place to look.
Like I said, there is all kinds of porn available here, but it will never be anything really hardcore, so be prepared for something more basic. I know, I know, what the hell would you call “vanilla”? Well, a few years ago it was porn where you could see shit like a couple fucking with the lights off in bed, holding hands and stuff like that. Over time, the definition has expanded and now “vanilla” means a couple who likes to strangle each other until they almost pass out while having rough anal sex. Yes. It’s similar today. Even ass licking is considered normal nowadays, so it’s pretty obvious that times are changing. What exactly is vanilla porn? Well, when I say basic porn, I mean that you will find things that most people can masturbate to.
Even if eating ass isn’t your thing in real life, for example, you might still be able to masturbate to it. Even if you don’t like anal sex in real life, you can still learn it from some guy who is slamming a girl’s cock in the colon with her fat ass. Do you see where I’m going?
Now we should talk about other things like the design of this site and everything you can find on it. Let me say right away that there aren’t many tabs on, which is fine because we don’t really need them on a site like this. I mean, we’re here for porn, we’re not going to look for material to write an essay about why porn is good for men’s health or something. They keep it simple and we like simplicity. Also, they don’t pay much attention to the images, so keep that in mind. If you’re looking for somewhere nice to look at, this isn’t it, boss.
Siska’s project!
I’m not sure if “siska” means “tits” in Russian, but I think so. What a beautiful tit! Tits so nice that you can see tons of great thumbnails, sometimes with porn displayed right below each thumbnail, and you can also see the name of the video right above the thumbnail. These are wonderful things. Did I just call this site a tit? Of course I did. I hope you’ve been paying attention until now, because these last 50 words may have been too confusing for you.
I would also like to mention that there are little to no ads on this site, which is a big plus for my book. I mean, I’m the type of person who absolutely hates ads and for that reason I prefer to stay away from them as much as possible. does this task very well, so I am quite satisfied with the time I spent on the website. Now let’s look at other aspects of the site… what about the tabs I mentioned?
Advantages of
Technically, has four tabs, but most of them aren’t very useful. To start with, the “Home” tab is the tab that appears when you open the website and this is where some random videos are gathered so you can see the videos that were posted today or you can watch the videos that were posted last week, or rather you can choose to watch the videos that were released last month and that’s it. The home page doesn’t have many advantages.
Then we have the “new videos” tab, which is a tab I don’t visit very often. I mean, already has tons of videos. I can’t wait to see new movies until I see the old ones, and I don’t think I’ll ever see them all.
Then on this page there is a tab about channels and another tab about categories. It’s great that there is a tab with categories on such a website. That means if you’re going to run a porn site, you need to make sure all those videos are categorized. Some sites don’t have a category tab or don’t even have tags, and that’s fucking terrible because it spoils a lot of the experience for me and a lot of horny men as well. But oh well.
The categories are kind of weird, to be honest. First of all, there’s a category called “horny sex,” which is a bit confusing. There are also categories like “18-23” which is also weird. There is a category dedicated to feet, but it’s actually not just called “feet” but “Footjob. Nice legs,” which was really fucking funny to me, but oh well. I really don’t like feet. Oh yes, and for some reason there is a category called “In Spanish.” Clicking on this tab has proven to be quite deadly, as clicking virtually anywhere will bring up an ad. There is also a category called “can”, which is quite strange. What does it mean?