Reddit DirtySnapchat, aka r/DirtySnapchat! You know what? My fucking grandma, God bless her soul, was right about some things. There are things in this world that are purely Satanic, and they can’t exist in any other form. And, one of those things is what we’re exploring today. You see, the world’s best scientists all agree on one single thing. 18+ Young people do have less sex than their boomer counterparts, and that’s unfortunate information. Many people like to blame porn, and maybe they’re right, but I don’t give a fuck.
Pornography is my life’s calling. But, I think that the most significant factor to blame here is Snapchat, and if you’re asking why then let me tell you real quick why. Snapchat is the perfect app for sexting and sharing images of yourself. Some hoes use it to make money, while thirsty dudes use it to text with other chicks in a naughty way. If you’re up for exploring Reddit’s section for this shit, follow me and enjoy this godforsaken review!
The homepage
Well,’s homepage for the Dirty Snapchat’s section is the same as all the others, for all other themes on this goddamn website. You see, this isn’t the only subsection on Reddit. I mean, I’m sure most of you virgins already know what Reddit is, but let me explain real quick. It’s a fucked up place where you can create new sections every day, and you can discuss any topic you like. So, it’s like Google, but only on a single website. Unfortunately, weirdo’s decided to use this to whore themselves out for attention and gather brownie points for being on the left side in politics. I mean, you believe what you want, I don’t give a fuck, but it seems like a waste of time to argue with people online.
That’s why my favorite part of is all the porn that you can find and other types of naughty services. And Dirty Snapchat is just like that. So, what can we see here? Well, that’s easy. You have the content in the middle of the page, as well as some navigation system elements at the top and the right side. Overall, the organization is simple, pretty good, useful, and I enjoy the shit out of it. Even though it’s the same for all pages, it works just fine. And, as people like to say, don’t fix something that’s not broken. So, that’s it for the main page of this place. Now, let’s move on to the navigation system.
If you’re a pathetic ass dude that likes to spend his time on Reddit for hours every day, you probably know how this shit works even with closed eyes. The navigation system is pretty much the same for all sections on But, today, we’re solely focusing on Dirty Snapchat. So, what can you find here? First of all, you have the joining button at the top, next to the subsection’s name. That way, once you press that button, you’re a member of this place, and you’ll get constant updates. That means that this particular place will appear in your news feed every day, and you have to be careful. Otherwise, you’ll be like one of those weirdo’s, you know, when their mother catches them doing something wrong. Don’t disappoint your parents, fuckers.
Then, you have other bullshit like the description of this section, but we’ll get to that. Besides that, the mods of this place are so dull that they have many rules, but it’s is not the part that I don’t understand. When you communicate with people, it’s essential to conduct yourself as a grownup would, even though many neck-beards don’t understand that yet. The thing that I have a problem with is all those rules for formatting your posts. And choosing your flairs also falls in that category.
Since now I have to reveal this, let me say a few things. Dirty Snapchat is the place where you can search for people who like sexting. Of course, you can share photos with them too. So why the fuck don’t you just post with your gender and tell others what you’re looking for here? All this crap with formatting and other bullshit only takes the fun away and leaves you with a robotic fucking place.
And, of course, I also don’t enjoy how this place has many mods. And you know that these dudes made a section so that they can text with different chicks. I mean, I already know that most of them don’t get any pussy in their real lives, but still. I think that some rules are ridiculous, but who the fuck am I to judge. After all, I don’t understand that online life with loneliness and artificial human relationships.
The perks
The biggest perk of this section is the fact that you get it all for free. On Reddit, generally, you also don’t get sponsors, ads, promotions, or anything else. The only thing, right now, that’ll always annoy you is that whole ‘stay informed’ ad about the Coronavirus that I have to remove anytime I enter this website. I mean, forgetting about the world’s wrongdoings is a sin in Reddit’s eyes, and you can’t even be happy for a single fucking second. Besides that, everyone knows by now that this site, and its users, love to be right in the world’s eyes. But not in a friendly way.
Instead, they love to act like keyboard warriors, looking forward to their good-for-nothing online awards. But, if you want free content and avoid ads and other boring shit, you’ll have to put up with that. And Dirty Snapchat seems like the right place to escape and enjoy your time if you’re already looking to get lost in some sexy content.
The content
Now, we’re finally here, in the content section. Like I already said, Dirty Snapchat is a particular subsection of Reddit, where you can ask other people to text with you. Of course, when I say send messages, I mean sexting, because what else do people do on Snapchat? Ah, yeah, they give power to totally-average thots by regularly buying their images for obscene amounts of money. But let’s forget about that for a second. One rule that I love about this Reddit place is that there’s no selling. They’re punching the hoes back, and they only allow mutual communication within the users. And that’s a fantastic thing that I enjoy seeing online. What can you do with other users, and what’s the point of this place in general?
Well, this place has one thing that fascinates me. If you’re horny and alone and want to have some online fun with a real person, you can do that. All you have to do is make a post with your Snapchat handle, and then you’re in like a pro. In that post, you’ll need to specify what gender you belong to and what you’re looking for online. For example, if you’re a man, you can search for other dudes, as well as chicks, and various trans babes. So, you have complete and total freedom to find your perfect online partner for naughty things. And I enjoy that. That’s an excellent way for people to connect, and to expel their sexual energy without, like, fucking a stuffed toy or something.
Also, Dirty Snapchat has almost a quarter of a million members. That means that you won’t feel bored, and the statistical chances of you finding a partner here are high, which I like to see. So, to be frank, even though I want to mess with you guys, this Reddit subsection is incredible. In a way, it’s an automatized place for artificial hooking up and photo-sharing adventures. So, I think that it’s fascinating, and you guys should use it.
Registration and conclusion
The only thing you need to do to become a member of the Dirty Snapchat section is to make an account on Reddit. And, the process is relatively simple. All you need to do is create a unique username for yourself, then put in your email, and think of a strong password. And that’s pretty much it. Now, you’re in, and you can safely waste your life away while your dick slowly gets broken, all while beautiful chicks are waiting for you outside to get your act together. But, that only leaves us with my conclusion, which is, of course, positive. This place is fantastic, and I urge you to use it, especially if you enjoy one on one sexy times on the internet!